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San Diego Criminal Defense Lawyers' Association

SDLA Launches Parenting Webinar Series


The San Diego Lawyers Association (SDLA) has launched a parenting webinar series, in response to its members’ clamor for more parenting resources specifically meant for those in the legal profession. Prior to the launch of the webinar series, the SDLA has been holding year after year, parenting seminars, but not everyone who wanted to attend could attend during the actual seminar due to sudden changes in their schedules. To remedy the situation, the SDLA decided to launch a series of webinars on parenting, so that their members can access it anywhere and, the recorded version anytime.


“One of the downsides of our profession is that usually we do not have control of our schedules. It is dictated by everyone except ourselves. Webinars allow us to attend and participate in a seminar anywhere we are. No more travel time to spend, just allocate the specific hour or hour and a half to listen in, ask questions and participate. If in case they still cannot make it into the webinar, we can also provide them access to the recorded webinar so they can still benefit from listening in to the lecture and the discussions,” explains SDLA Executive Director Robert Christensen.


According to Christensen, parenting can be a struggle for someone in their profession given the high demands of being a lawyer. “Raising a family can be demanding, being a lawyer is even more demanding, put those elements together and it could be a very challenging time. We want to help our members. Parenting seminars is one of those non-work related seminars they have requested in the beginning of the year,” Christensen explains.


Industry research company Vault has published in its official website an article that discussed parenting while practicing law. In the article, they threshed out details like the working condition of parent-lawyers, from the time of maternity leave, to the first few weeks back in the office, till when they are in the full steam of lawyering and parenting. It also mentioned the options made available to women who have just become parents and if they are availing of these options. Criminal Defense Lawyer Wiki


“While official policies may encourage taking full advantage of these sorts of accommodations, survey takers reported facing unspoken pressure that doing so would hurt their career success. Women on part-time schedules have less chance of making partner, for instance, while their full-time peers can cruise more comfortably into the corner office. Some women, in fact, hesitated to have children at all for fear of preemptively derailing their careers; many men sensed that taking full advantage of paternity leave would be frowned upon by their superiors.”


Check out the full article here.


The SDLA’s three part webinar series is also recorded and can be accessed by SDLA members from the association’s official website.



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110 W C St #1201, San Diego, CA 92101, USA



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